Using the Field History Tracking in Salesforce the Right Way!

Every seller's nightmare is a customer or account record error resulting in a problematic data mismatch or error. The stakes are even higher for big businesses with lots of records because several people with the same name might work there. What if someone makes a mistake and updates a customer's record in accounting when they should have edited that particular customer's history in marketing? What if a mistaken invoice number results in the correct customer receiving the accurate bill? What if a comma is placed incorrectly, and a vendor is charged $1,000,000 instead of $1,000? The need for a field history tracking report salesforce is a must. 

field history tracking report salesforce
Field History Tracking in Salesforce: How to Use

Salesforce Field History Tracking can improve your data integrity, recover lost data, recreate changes to valuable customer, operational, and financial data, and more.

Users can quickly see whenever there is an update to a field, who made the update, and what the previous data was, thanks to the field history tracking report salesforce, which allows users to see any changes in any data field.

Salesforce Field History Tracking for Your Business

Salesforce's capability to display changes in field values is a key feature. The ability to view previous deals is crucial in the event of data entry errors, typos, unintentional overwrites, and other common mistakes, even though many large organizations may make thousands of changes to their Salesforce organization every day.

Users run the risk of losing important customer or account information if field history tracking is not available.

A complete list of important historical data can be recreated over time with the help of the field history tracking report salesforce feature. You can detect changes in the data by looking at the stored old data.

The Salesforce history object tracking system has many crucial features, and every business should ensure its staff members know how to use them. These features consist of the following:

  • Monitor things.
  • History of the content updated. 
  • Effects on billing.
  • Assistance with troubleshooting.

Let's examine these functions more closely.

Track Objects

Up to 20 standard or custom fields on an object can be tracked using history tracking, and changes to these fields can be seen on a record's history-related list or through history reports. Tracking records the date and time of the modification, the user who made the change, the old value, and the new value for each field.

You can choose which fields to keep track of and display the field history in an object's History-related list. When Field Audit Trail isn't enabled, the API preserves field history data for 18 months and 24 months. If a field audit trail is enabled, field history data is retained until specifically deleted. There is always the option in the field history tracking report salesforce to manually remove data from the field history. Field history tracking data are exempt from data storage restrictions.

Salesforce Tracking System

To whom the fields were updated, inquire.

Additionally, you can use Salesforce field history tracking to see if non-human users have updated the fields, such as if your third-party payroll system automatically updated objects in your Salesforce org.

You can monitor any changes made by a process builder and see if an integration user is using an external website to record the changes in the field history tracking report salesforce.

Support the Billing

Your billing system's accuracy and functionality may be impacted whenever changes are made to specific data fields related to billing and invoicing. Your transactions might only process if the billing information is correctly updated.

The Salesforce field tracking history system can be used as a system of checks and balances to assist in reviewing changes to necessary fields, confirming that the correct data was entered, and identifying and fixing any errors before that incorrect information is sent externally to customers.

Your team can prevent and minimize future billing failures and enhance the accuracy of your data by using the cumulative knowledge of where, when, and how billing errors occurred.

Troubleshooting Assistance.

As sophisticated businesses use automation tools like Process Builder more frequently, Field History Tracking can also assist with troubleshooting configuration changes. As a result, it is more accessible to spot-check data, quickly spot any potential errors, and roll back to your previous data. It also increases visibility and awareness of automated operations that could change the values of Salesforce records.


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