General vs. Modern Trade. A Quick Guide!

Time has changed, and with it, the way people traded has also changed. Looking into our past, the only form of commerce was the barter system. Back then, people exchanged goods without carrying out a monetary transaction. However, today's changes have taken us to another world. Things seem convenient, but is that the only difference that stood out? Let's take a closer look at both and find out how time has traveled and changed the way we act: General trade is mere retail trade, i.e.; small businesses cater to consumers who shop in small quantities daily, while modern commerce involves selling products to large houses. As a result, retail, or let's say, consumers who depend on past steps suffer greatly. This might give you an overlook of general trade vs. modern trade. A deeper analysis of general trading will highlight its similarities to traditional selling strategies. Sales tactics focused more on quality and less on sales strategies such as marketing and promotions. Ho...